Friday, July 15, 2005

Yacht, anyone?

Arriving at the train station today, I had a leaflet thrust into my hand. Not the usual Dianetics crap, or "Work from home and earn millions", or whatever. No.. today, I earned a mini copy of Yachting Monthly. What's even better, is if you turn it upside down, what shoud be the back cover is actually another magazine. Practical Boat Owner was now mine as well! Imagine the joy.

I can't help thinking, looking back at the population of platform 1, Chichester train station, that somehow, YM and PBO missed their target demographic. Unless they were aiming to make small children happy by giving them something to take the piss out of, then rip up.

On the upside, I know (as far as you can know anything from a mini-magazine article) how to strip and service the winch on a boat now, including maintenance for the gears, roller bearings and pawls. Maybe that'll come in useful one day.


Blogger Nick Squire said...

Hasnt every Fat useless deluded coconut got a boat nowadays..or is that just speedboats?? Anyhow im off on Holiday so bollox to you all...PS. Love you. TTFN.

5:20 PM  

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