Monday, April 03, 2006

In other news

Scotland. Land of the brave and all that. And I'm off up there again tomorrow. I dunno... odd currency, funny food, I should treat it as a holiday. I wonder if you can trust the water...

Mini-rant: mobile/cellphone providers: when I change my contract so that I end up paying you less than a third of my previous monthly payments, please do not reward my money saving capabilities by bombarding me with shit phonecalls asking me to upgrade my phone, contract, or buy some worthless piece of shit that I'll never use. Blacklisting is fun. Try again.

Draenor-eu. Lagfest. I appreciate running an MMORPG is in no wise a trivial undertaking, but seriously, what people are referring to as latency issues on this server are becoming somewhat infuriating. The lag-meter showing (for some people, myself not included) 3000 to 4000ms responses must be fun. I find it a great challenge when my client doesnt sync with the server, and the mob I thought I was beating on, turns out to have been out of range for a few seconds, and, in fact, running off to get his friends. Which he returned with. I love flash powder. This was mildly annoying the first time. But on the third rescue quest run through it became oddly tiresome. So rather than levelling the rogue-twink, I went to do something more braindead that required less thinking, and worked up Cenarion rep for my imbalock. NF/MD. Not that SL builds arent viable for pve as well as pvp, but it's so BORING.

Diabetes. Easter is fun. My kids school gave him chocolate to bring home. Chocolate. Diabetic child. I'm not seeing the connection here. Maybe it was meant for me. However, he wanted some diabetic chocolate instead (unusual, he usually prefers the sugar free sweets, but hey, it's up to him, but now I wish it hadn't been...). So, we got him the chocolate. Cue old ladies in the chocolate shop finally twigging that the little lad was diabetic, awww isn't it a shame, isn't he sweet, etcetera. He just wanted to pay for it and go. I think he may have been choking on the overpowering odours of peppermint and lavender. I know I was. So we get to the miserable bint behind the counter (yay for saturday staff), who proceeds to try to tell me how much he can have and when. I think I must have had that "Fuck off, love" look on my face, as she started looking down her nose at me. I'm fully aware that it is a small-doses-only affair. She had the cheek to ask how long we'd been dealing with his diabetes. "Three bleeding years, sweetheart, and he's five." And what you, miss chocshopassistant, know about juvenile diabetes, seems to me to be the three lines you've read on the back of the bleeding wrapper. Healthy concern is one thing, poking you're bleeding nose in is asking to get it bitten. Off.

Well, that was longer than I thought it would be.

Current reading: Neil Gaiman - American Gods. Get it, it's good. Get the "Authors preferred text" version too. Dark, amusing, and I expect in some places it will become disturbing. I hope so. Hmm, must buy more Wheel of Time books, I've run out again.


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