Bloody BT Routers
One hour, twenty minutes and twelve seconds of my life I'll never see again, thanks very much BT.
A colleague of mine sent a client a firewall to replace his existing unit while we upgrade it. The replacement is identical in almost every aspect - barring its serial number, activation codes and mac addresses it's the same. Down to the branded RAM in it.
So, the client unplugs his firewall, plugs ours in. Outbound traffic only. No mail, no VPN clients. Puts his back, happy days are here again. Put mine back, no go. I've scrubbed the arp tables, introduced an intermediate switch, applied other devices to the external network - not a proverbial sausage. So, I put his firewall back in again - and up everything comes.
He has another router, that's his fun for tonight. I'm not touching that one again today. I'm going to go back to easy questions, like why a device incapable of bridging in its current config did exactly that.
Oh and I'm dabbling with Google+ too.
A colleague of mine sent a client a firewall to replace his existing unit while we upgrade it. The replacement is identical in almost every aspect - barring its serial number, activation codes and mac addresses it's the same. Down to the branded RAM in it.
So, the client unplugs his firewall, plugs ours in. Outbound traffic only. No mail, no VPN clients. Puts his back, happy days are here again. Put mine back, no go. I've scrubbed the arp tables, introduced an intermediate switch, applied other devices to the external network - not a proverbial sausage. So, I put his firewall back in again - and up everything comes.
He has another router, that's his fun for tonight. I'm not touching that one again today. I'm going to go back to easy questions, like why a device incapable of bridging in its current config did exactly that.
Oh and I'm dabbling with Google+ too.
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