Thursday, July 21, 2005

Never underestimate...

Stupid people in any quantity. It seems the solo idiots are just as dangerous as the pack. Usually because they are steadfastly convinced that they are the one authority on everything, and if they were running the world it would all be just so, everything is so simple if you just look at it hte the right way.

Yeah. That's a special sort of naivety. The worst case of this brand of moron is the moron that calls you up, tells you precisely what the problem is, and then how they think it should be fixed. Never mind little rules like routing and subnetting... they're only guidelines, right? Yeah, guidelines... And of course they appreciate being told it won't work that way.

Why not? Because that's not how IP works... you run a network? Several? How? Which is about the time it all becomes my fault. Fortunately, I've got broad shoulders, and, to be honest, I delight in getting things working. Unfortunately for you, my dear webmonkey, I delight more in proving people wrong. So combining both is some form of workgasm, I spose the word is.

Here's the biter for most of the arrogant bastards. I'm polite as I do it. It's my little slap in the face for people who give me a really hard time, all sorts of grief, threats, abuse... I live for that little moment of clarity... when you can almost hear the click, as they realise they have been talking out of their arse for the last few days. For everything else, there's Mastercard.

While I'm ranting: if you need to talk to me, and your desk is less than twenty feet from mine, get off your arse and walk over here. Coz I'm not gonna be answering the phone. Caller ID sucks, eh? Oh, on the same subject, don't bloody call me for a phone number of the bloke sitting next to me. Either look it up on the intranet, or excercise a little logic, maybe even going as far as to try the next number up or down from my extension.

Lazy people irritate me.

Lighthearted update rescheduled for tomorrow. Heh.


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