Rant [long one]
From the adwords down the side of this page... Allbaid. No hyperlink for j00. Claim to improve hba1c and blood sugar control in type 1 diabetics. Oh do fuck off. Lets be serious for a minute. The claims for controlling type 2 diabetics insulin controls are at least theoretically, well, maybe not plausible, but they're not that far from the cause of type 2. As for treating type 1... treating the gene channel that causes diabetes? what, the CNS? I'd love to see the list of side effects on that one. Sounds like the cure would be worse than the malady. Diabetes in my nipper was not traceable through any genetic link (only appeared on great aunts on either side, both part of the families by marriage). A week or two after his first MMR jab he started showing symptoms of the onset of diabetes. His immune system basically gave his pancreas (and whatever the damn bridge is called) a kicking, and he stopped producing insulin. I'm not pinning this on the MMR jab, it was just the trigger. Given the billions of pounds/dollars that is pumped into diabetic researche very year, I'm somewhat skeptical that taking a pill three times a day will cure the condition. And considering the hba1c (in basest terms) is a guideline to diabetic control over a period of months, I'm not convinced a pill would lower that. Proper insulin control lowers it. Assuming this pill could regulate the release of insulin from a gland that isn't producing any bloody insulin, I'm not a true believer.
From the FAQ: The first three questions deal with ordering and charging. Lets you know where the priorities lay.
The fourth question... regards dosage. How many should I take per day. The answer? One to three. ONE TO THREE? Christ, that's just a little innacurate for me. Given the range of ages, metabolisms, and the relative severity of the condition, could I assume that a type one with a high metabolism on a strict carb-counting diet would only need one, whereas a teenager witha slow metab and the tendency to snack on crap would take three. And that covers all bases? Right.
Apparently, it's safe to take with current diabetes treatment. Meaning you're supplementing insulin injections? I may be wrong here, but it sounds a little bit like a placebo to me.
This "drug" is also exempt from FDA approval as they calss it as a dietary supplement. It meets all the requirements for the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health Education Act (US). I'll go look it up, but I'm thinking it's going to relate to vitamin supplements and similar.
Children over six years old can take it. Adjust [the dosage] according to child's weight. You WHAT? How the hell can you judge the disposition of someone diabetes purely from their weight? I'll let you in on a little secret. You can't. If you could, you wouldn't need blood tests. Just jump on the scales. Put a pound on? have an extra two units of novarapid. These fuckwits beggar belief.
Goota love the disclaimner at the bottom of the page:
[Direct quote]
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Small print's a motherfucker, yeah? Check that against the adwords.
On to the results:
Allbaid has been tested in genetically engineered Type I and obese Type II rats. Type II animals have seen an improvement of over 50% in their blood glucose concentrations in 8 days of treatment with Allbaid
My sardonic translation:
Does fuck all for type 1. Also, if you're taking a pill and being damn careful what you eat and how you control your insulin, your control will get better. Concentrate on anything for a week and you'll get better at it. To be fair, a lucky type two who concentrates on his/her diet wont require any significant amount of insulin on any given day. For a given value of significant... it's like air, not life threatening as long as you're getting some.
Oh, pretty good news if you're a rat too. Just because rats fit the human model for certain conditions does not mean that it'll work with any reliability. Take a look into any medical research, for any condition.
Crowning glory:
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles
You shitheads are confusing type 1 and type 2 again. Show me a type 1 where environmental factors, obesity, or lack of excersize contributed. Genetics? Maybe, but not in the case of my kid.
The last column space this crap gets:
The front page claims human tests, the results leaves this little titbit out. Odd.
The info on type 1 is mysteriously thin on the ground.
The adwords claim it's "proven to shut down the gene that causes diabetes", yet on the site the cause of diabetes is a mystery. Make up yer mind.
Anyhow, I'm off to cure cancer, assuming I can crush up flour and water and make it into a realistic looking pill. Look for www.mattcurescancer.com - coming to ascam site near you!
From the FAQ: The first three questions deal with ordering and charging. Lets you know where the priorities lay.
The fourth question... regards dosage. How many should I take per day. The answer? One to three. ONE TO THREE? Christ, that's just a little innacurate for me. Given the range of ages, metabolisms, and the relative severity of the condition, could I assume that a type one with a high metabolism on a strict carb-counting diet would only need one, whereas a teenager witha slow metab and the tendency to snack on crap would take three. And that covers all bases? Right.
Apparently, it's safe to take with current diabetes treatment. Meaning you're supplementing insulin injections? I may be wrong here, but it sounds a little bit like a placebo to me.
This "drug" is also exempt from FDA approval as they calss it as a dietary supplement. It meets all the requirements for the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health Education Act (US). I'll go look it up, but I'm thinking it's going to relate to vitamin supplements and similar.
Children over six years old can take it. Adjust [the dosage] according to child's weight. You WHAT? How the hell can you judge the disposition of someone diabetes purely from their weight? I'll let you in on a little secret. You can't. If you could, you wouldn't need blood tests. Just jump on the scales. Put a pound on? have an extra two units of novarapid. These fuckwits beggar belief.
Goota love the disclaimner at the bottom of the page:
[Direct quote]
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Small print's a motherfucker, yeah? Check that against the adwords.
On to the results:
Allbaid has been tested in genetically engineered Type I and obese Type II rats. Type II animals have seen an improvement of over 50% in their blood glucose concentrations in 8 days of treatment with Allbaid
My sardonic translation:
Does fuck all for type 1. Also, if you're taking a pill and being damn careful what you eat and how you control your insulin, your control will get better. Concentrate on anything for a week and you'll get better at it. To be fair, a lucky type two who concentrates on his/her diet wont require any significant amount of insulin on any given day. For a given value of significant... it's like air, not life threatening as long as you're getting some.
Oh, pretty good news if you're a rat too. Just because rats fit the human model for certain conditions does not mean that it'll work with any reliability. Take a look into any medical research, for any condition.
Crowning glory:
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles
You shitheads are confusing type 1 and type 2 again. Show me a type 1 where environmental factors, obesity, or lack of excersize contributed. Genetics? Maybe, but not in the case of my kid.
The last column space this crap gets:
The front page claims human tests, the results leaves this little titbit out. Odd.
The info on type 1 is mysteriously thin on the ground.
The adwords claim it's "proven to shut down the gene that causes diabetes", yet on the site the cause of diabetes is a mystery. Make up yer mind.
Anyhow, I'm off to cure cancer, assuming I can crush up flour and water and make it into a realistic looking pill. Look for www.mattcurescancer.com - coming to a
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