Friday, May 19, 2006

One rant on this, then its canned.

I'm not surprised. Or shocked. Or amused. Or entertained. But there you go, that's Big Brother for you. I capitalised that purely so that you get the right frame of reference. I'm talking about car-crash t.v., not an elder sibling.

Recap on every blog ever: First one was interesting, rest were shite. I was wondering precisely how they were going to dig themselves any deeper. The problem is (IMHO, and that's honest, not humble, nothing humble about me) is that when it was first aired, its was original. Fresh, new, exciting. A group of normal people locked in a house to see how they behaved under a magnifying glass. Superb. Some survived, some cracked. As it should be. Now, the production company behind the series (as its become) seem to be searching for deviants with a look-at-me complex that isn't satisfied with being a twat in whichever village is now looking for a new idiot. It's no longer a social behaviour experiment. Almost exactly the opposite. Lets stuff a bunch of oversensitive egomaniacs in a room, as see how long it takes for one of them to start bitch-slapping another. Do the gene pool a favour: lock the doors, and set fire to it. I'd watch that.

And that's the last you'll here from me on the subject. Unless of course, the house does burn down. Look for a future post along the lines of "HAHAHHAHA!!!11!!1" or "I didn't do it, guv. Honest".


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