Monday, October 24, 2011

Fancy a laugh?

So, today's been special. Not wrap-in-tissue-paper-and-store-forever special, more like eating-lead-paint-chips-off-the-radiator special.

First thing today I receive an email from one of our vendors informing me (and several thousand other people) that they are releasing a patch today. Hurrah. "So", thinks I, "That'll be a raft of muppets on the phone". Turns out, I was wrong. Only one muppet. He forwarded the notification email to me, asking how to install it. Fairly reasonable, you'd think. Well, no. The notification email has an attachment. In this attachment is all the bug-fixing goodness you'd expect... along with instructions on how to download and install the client. A forgivable error, you might assume. Well, we all know what assumptions are. It's not a forgivable error when this is the sixth time you've had to repeat the process.

And he was just the first...

Somewhat later, I received a request from a sysadmin who wished to redesign part of his incoming traffic strategy. Hokay, this should prove a little challenge. Again, wrong. The "Current" and "Proposed" diagrams were identical. Checked... no, there wasn't an error. Looks like that's going to be the easiest job this year.

Lunch passed without incident.

Shortly thereafter, someone complained about me. Apparently, I'd told him he wasn't important enough for me to speak to. Now, I don't do that to people, no matter how much they deserve it. In fact, what I'd said was "I'm dealing with an internal service impacting issue, and the other techs are at lunch or otherwise engaged. Get me xxxx.log file and I'll get back to you as soon as I've finished up with our internal issues". Might as well have said "Fuck off and don't come back", because that's what he heard. I get to speak to him again tomorrow. Joy!

Meanwhile, another client has modified certain settings on their firewall which require a reboot. Firewall went down, but didn't come back up again. Time to earn my money...


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