Drowning in bureaucracy
Hello cherubs, back again.
Time for the annual update on this blog Ihonestly hadn't forgotten I had. Bit like my LiveJournal account which I only remember when someone tries to reset the password, because twenty three characters might take a while to brute force.
Onwards and upwards.
Today I find myself dealing with a clients third party. Not normally a huge ballache, but this guy has ISO procedures to follow, which means everything needs to be signed in triplicate, and I have to destroy everything he gives me as soon as I'm done with it. "When I'm done" is a subjective time reference, but there you go, I don't have to fill in the paperwork for that one.
So far, two days of banter, including time differences, has got me absolutely nothing. Not strictly true, actually; I've earnt a number of empty promises and learnt to let clients do their own dirty work when they need to get sensitive data out of their partners.
Other than that, life is fairly straightforward. PvP games online are keeping me moderately sane (until I consistently lose), and RPGs pick up where FPS's leave off.
As for the UK General Election, how May has managed to keep her arse warming the comft chair at #10 I'll never know. She's presented the most diabolical campaign in the history of politics, publishing a manifesto which can be summed up by "If you're not shitting £50 notes, well then, fuck you", refuses to be drawn into a debate with her opposition (fair enough I suppose, he'd have made her look like the clownshoes muppet she is), has performed so many policy u-turns she must be dizzy, but still wants to bring back the universally vilified fox hunting and ivory trades, whilst preserving the failed Tory austerity measures, ensuring anyone who doesn't have family money doesn't get to keep any of their cash. Bloody train wreck. I thought the Americans had it bad with the tangerine twat, but we've got a scarecrow some people I formerly considered intelligent and politically aware are happy to re-elect. What the actual fuck? I hope they all manage to keep their jobs and stay healthy, because they're in for a world of hurt if they don't.
Enough of that.
On another topic, you'd think the internet would have an easily accessible picture of a cat eating a fried breakfast, wouldn't you? Not the case, and certainly not worth hunting down for more than five minutes for the briefest of jokes.
Time for the annual update on this blog I
Onwards and upwards.
Today I find myself dealing with a clients third party. Not normally a huge ballache, but this guy has ISO procedures to follow, which means everything needs to be signed in triplicate, and I have to destroy everything he gives me as soon as I'm done with it. "When I'm done" is a subjective time reference, but there you go, I don't have to fill in the paperwork for that one.
So far, two days of banter, including time differences, has got me absolutely nothing. Not strictly true, actually; I've earnt a number of empty promises and learnt to let clients do their own dirty work when they need to get sensitive data out of their partners.
Other than that, life is fairly straightforward. PvP games online are keeping me moderately sane (until I consistently lose), and RPGs pick up where FPS's leave off.
As for the UK General Election, how May has managed to keep her arse warming the comft chair at #10 I'll never know. She's presented the most diabolical campaign in the history of politics, publishing a manifesto which can be summed up by "If you're not shitting £50 notes, well then, fuck you", refuses to be drawn into a debate with her opposition (fair enough I suppose, he'd have made her look like the clownshoes muppet she is), has performed so many policy u-turns she must be dizzy, but still wants to bring back the universally vilified fox hunting and ivory trades, whilst preserving the failed Tory austerity measures, ensuring anyone who doesn't have family money doesn't get to keep any of their cash. Bloody train wreck. I thought the Americans had it bad with the tangerine twat, but we've got a scarecrow some people I formerly considered intelligent and politically aware are happy to re-elect. What the actual fuck? I hope they all manage to keep their jobs and stay healthy, because they're in for a world of hurt if they don't.
Enough of that.
On another topic, you'd think the internet would have an easily accessible picture of a cat eating a fried breakfast, wouldn't you? Not the case, and certainly not worth hunting down for more than five minutes for the briefest of jokes.
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