Thursday, August 28, 2008


So, here I sit, cigaretteless. Not the first time I've attempted to quit, but hopefully it'll be the last. As in, I'll actually quit, rather than carry on smoking and slowly committing suicide. Patches are working well, better than the gum, which let's be honest, tastes like crap. Not that I've tasted crap, but you get the point.

So I suppose it would be fairly intelligent to not sit here and babble on about smoking and quitting. Heh. What a way to blank your mind.


I updated my LJ today. First time in two years, so the update schedule on this blog is extremely fast comparably. Reminded me I have a friend I have not spoken to in altogether too long, the lil B7 fangirl.

Inspiration is lacking today, but that's what you can come to expect from more than one update a month.

One update a month? Who am I kidding...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Today is a fun day. I'm particularly happy that due to a combination of things (such as laziness, holiday and unfortunate circumstances) I am the only gay in the village technical staff member available today.

Not so bad, it's just fielding support calls and edumacating people. And listening to people whine across the office about how something that used to work and always works for them is now not precisely ohmygodI'msorrybutyourwhiningmademeturnmy"care"off.

Hmm, been a little short on sleep too, so my fuse (not known for it's similarity to anything with a great amount of long-ness) is shorter than usual. Microscopically bigger than a gnat's knob in a snowstorm.

While I'm vaguely on the subject of whining, fucking armchair experts in their little cubes are somewhat infuriating. So, when some connection or other does fail (say, email) they have exactly the cure and what caused it, and why it would be so much better if they were running the show. This just in, shitheads. If I let the lunatics run the asylum, I'd give it approximately two hours before you bloody luddites started bleating, bawling, and bashing on the comms room door I intend to hide behind.

It's all very well coming up with superb suggestions about how to re-route mail, and web traffic over multiple lines, some aggregated, some not, and get it to appear in a reasonable format at the other end. I'd be that much more impressed if you had the slightest inkling of how these things are acheived. Shut up and sell shit, please. Your ignorance is making me more stupid purely by proximity bleed.

On a completely different tangent, I've got food to eat. Corned beef. Not sure where the corn comes into it. I should look that up. Anyhow, coffee to drink, food to eat, users to abuse.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

6 month sabbatical

Should hopefully be over. I need to post regularly again, and I have a wealth of ranting to get through. Hooray.